Most of the radioactive material is heading directly for the USA.
Reporting about the Fukushima meltdowns has often revolved around rising and falling radiation levels around Northern Japan. This is where terrestrial monitors are positioned for the protection of the people of Japan. However, in this situation, the readings from these monitors (when they are actually working) means very little for residents of the USA. The reason, as one can see above, is that the radioactive plumes seldom cross Japan. Instead, the great bulk of the radioactive material is caught aloft and directed across the Pacific almost exactly at the United States.
Although there is some spreading, the plumes do not simply "go away" as we are led to believe. In fact, as the computer modeling shows, the plumes remain surprisingly intact and defined.
The above maps show the progress of the first wave (of many) of radioactive Iodine 131. This is one of the isotopes that can accumulate in the thyroid gland (located under your jaw), subjecting you to slow irradiation internally.
The results of internal radiation exposure on a mass basis may not become evident for years. The government's point of view; why worry until then? The effects are statistical in any case - no one can prove beyond all doubt that particular cases of cancer are attributable to the exposure we will receive. So there is an effect of diffusion of responsibility.
"Radiation will not disappear - it'll come back - Radiation from the reactor releases will circle the globe dozens of times. On August 11 or 12, 1945, U.S. airplanes over the U.S. West Coast equipped with radiation equipment detected the radioactive debris from the Trinity test on July 16th, 1945. It circled the globe. In about one month, maybe less, several west coast monitoring stations in Japan will pick up the second wave of radiation attack.... <snip>
Data on Fukushima here. More graph data here and here and here. Here's Tepco's (Tokyo Electric Power Co.) monitoring website http://www.tepco.co.jp/nu/pamp/index-j.html Try and save to your computer these graphs every 48 hours - 24 hours for some TEPCO monitoring websites - until the utilities come forward and say they will provide a full and uncensored archive of the data. "

Radiological situation: Plumes have started arriving in the American West. Xenon 133 gas was detected in Washington State on March 16 & 17 and detected in Sacremento, CA, on March 18. Detected amount of xenon 133: 0.1 Becquerels/meter3 (or 0.1 Bq/m3)
Minimum detection limit | Levels when N.Korea 2006 plume reached Canada | Background levels in Europe & near reactors | From leaked Soviet n-tests | Max levels over West Pacific from N. Korea leak | Background levels in Ottawa, Canada (reactors and radpharm plants) | Levels in U.S. in weeks following Chernobyl | 375 km from TMI |
0.0002 | 0.001 | ~ 0.005 | 0.01-0.5 | 0.1-1.0 | ~ 1.0 | 0.4 - 1.6 | ~100 |
You are here |
values overlap because the event concentrations overlapped; units of xenon-133 in Bq/m3; based on scientific journal articles
The next 28-48 hours of readings will determine how mountains break up gases and how much iodine-131 shows up trailing xenon-133. Russia detected this iodine-131 and also cesium-137. We will get both. Levels might be safe but hotspots may not. EPA and DOE still have weak monitoring and hotspots will be undetected. Updates later in the day.
Radiological levels in Japan are being blogged about regularly at Japan
Green Action
NOTE: to be honest
to the new readers of Idealist and those
loyal followers who have been tuning in ever since the U.S. government
actually was going to detonate that dirty bomb (Divine Strake) in the
West and not a single federal agency (NRC,
EPA, DOE, CDC, NCI, etc..) came to assist us to (1) halt that action,
(2) counter the DOE's assurances of safety,
and (3) investigate the progression of government lies that may have
led to harm or disease, you must know this: there is a real potential
that any place in the Northern Hemisphere in the coming weeks
and months could contain trace amounts of plutonium in ground-level
air. In a 1997 interview, the late Dr. John Gofman believed that 2.1
pounds of plutonium dust dispersed globally from a nuclear-powered
satellite re-entry may be linked to a rise in lung cancer worldwide.
Also, there is no doubt that far from harmless levels of carbon-14 gas
has and will be released from Fukushima that will globally cause some
finite amount of genetic damages for the next 50,000 years.
Our view is that EPA's RADNET is not going to be terrifically useful in
a whole suite of radionulclides in our air - learn why.
You need to ask yourself: "How will I know, if I can't fully rely on the EPA, what's in my air?"
Finally, If you're in Japan, please don't eat any foods *above the safety* limits. Do not
believe that there should be any exceptions to the safety limits. You might be
safer eating canned foods and distilled water until radiation levels retreat.
Idealist encourages academic labs and facilities with the proper equipment to start running air samplers and report findings in easy-to-understand language and format. Who cares if you lose your grant funding if you speak out. You'll be protecting the ones around you who you care about.
NOTE: we don't have enough and we don't have the right kind of radiation monitors set up in the right places across the world that should lead any respectable expert or leaders to believe and publicly announce that 'no harmful levels' will reach a certain location. A 'coherent' radiation cloud from Fukushima could traverse thousands of miles and rain out over Stockholm, Sweden, for example, causing radioactive hotspots and public health warnings.
(empahsis mine) Thank IDEALIST.WS for his work.